CS Medica A/S avnoteras från Spotlight Stock Market / CS Medica A/S is delisted from Spotlight Stock Market

(For English version see below) 

Spotlight Stock Market har beslutat att CS Medica A/S:s (”CS Medica” eller ”Bolaget”) aktie (CSMED) ska avnoteras från Spotlight Stock Market.  

Avnotering grundar sig på att Bolaget inte uppfyller de allmänna bestämmelserna enligt Spotlights Regelverk punkt 1.2.iv. Skälet till detta är att Bolaget inte har fullgjort sina förpliktelser att betala noteringsavgiften till Spotlight Stock Market. Spotlight Stock Market har därför beslutat i enlighet med Spotlights Regelverk 6.4.v. att Bolaget skall avnoteras. 

Under tiden till avnoteringen handlas Bolagets aktie på Spotlights observationslista från och med idag december 19, 2024. 

Sista dag för handel i CS Medica A/S aktie är den 9 januari, 2025. 


CS Medica A/S is delisted from Spotlight Stock Market 

Spotlight Stock Market has decided to delist CS Medica A/S:s (“CS Medica” or the “Company”) share (CSMED) from Spotlight Stock Market.  

The delisting is based on the fact that the Company does not fulfill the general provisions according to Spotlights Regulations point 1.2. iv. Reason for this is that the Company has not fulfilled the obligation to pay the listing fee in to Spotlight Stock Market. Spotlight Stock Market has therefore decided, in accordance with Spotlight Regulations 6.4.v, to delist the Company. 

The trading in CS Medica A/S will take place on the observation list until the delisting. 

Last day of trading in CS Medica A/S share will be January 9, 2025. 

Spotlight Stock Market 
+46 8-51168000  
E-mail: issuer@spotlightstockmarket.com

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Spotlight Stock Market is a market place that wants to make it easier, safer and more visible for growth companies to become and be listed. The company also offers investors the opportunity to become shareholders in growth companies in an easier and safer way. At Spotlight Stock Market there are more than 140 listed growth companies from different industries, as well as over 40 ETP:s. Spotlight Stock Market was founded in 1997, has 20 employees and the head office in Stockholm. Read more at www.spotlightstockmarket.com