Spotlight: Alltainer AB avnoteras från Spotlight Stock Market / Alltainer AB is delisted from Spotlight Stock Market

Alltainer AB (”Bolaget”) har ingett en egen ansökan om konkurs hos Göteborgs tingsrätt vilket har godkänts. Bolaget har den 24 oktober 2024 meddelat genom pressmeddelandet ” Tingsrätten i Göteborg beslutar att försätta Alltainer AB i konkurs”. Med anledning av det har Spotlight Stock Market beslutat att avnotera Alltainer ABs aktier (ALLT) efter marknadens stängning imorgon den 25 oktober, 2024.   

Alltainer ABs aktie är handelsstoppad sedan den 24 oktober, 2024. Handeln kommer inte återupptas.  

Alltainer AB is delisted from Spotlight Stock Market  

Alltainer AB (”Company”) has filed for bankruptcy at Göteborgs tingsrätt which has been approved, please see the press release dated October 24, 2024 ” Tingsrätten i Göteborg beslutar att försätta Alltainer AB i konkurs”. Due to this, Spotlight Stock Market has decided to delist Alltainer ABs share (ALLT) tomorrow Oktober 25 2024, after the market close.  

The trading in Alltainer ABs share has been halted since October 24, 2024. The trading will not be resumed.  

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Spotlight Stock Market is a market place that wants to make it easier, safer and more visible for growth companies to become and be listed. The company also offers investors the opportunity to become shareholders in growth companies in an easier and safer way. At Spotlight Stock Market there are more than 170 listed growth companies from different industries. Spotlight Stock Market was founded 1997, have 20 employees and head office in Stockholm. Read more at