Analyst Groups Analyst Article on PolarCool: ‘First Mover Advantage on a Global Market With Vast Potential’

Analyst Group published, on the 11th of September 2023, an analyst article on PolarCool titled: ”First mover advantage on a global market with vast potential”, which can be accessed on Analyst Groups website and on

The following is an extract from the article:

“PolarCool AB (“PolarCool” or the “Company”) is a MedTech company that has developed a unique, high-quality cooling unit with a positive clinically proven cooling effect on concussion recovery. By having a first mover advantage in a relatively unexploited industry, the Company has the opportunity to capitalize on an extensive market potential with the help of the in-house developed product PolarCap® System. By utilizing the benefits of the product, whose purpose is to minimize acute injuries of concussion, a lack of clear competitors, and a low valuation in comparison to comparable companies, Analyst Group sees an attractive position for investors to take part in the global scale-up ahead of PolarCool.”

For more information

Erik Andersson –  CEO PolarCool AB (publ)               
+46 – 738 60 57 00                                         

About PolarCool AB (publ)

PolarCool AB (publ) is a medical device company that develops, markets, and sells products for sports medicine. The company focuses on treatment of concussive and sub-concussive brain injury with the portable cooling device PolarCap® System. PolarCool AB (publ) is based in Lund, Sweden, and its shares are listed on Spotlight Stock Market.

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