Asarina Pharma Clinical Trial featured on BBC

(Stockholm April 23 2019) With approx. 4 million listeners, BBC Radio’s iconic programme ‘Woman’s Hour’ highlighted the clinical trial of a new treatment for PMDD, the severest form of PMS, being carried out by Swedish company Asarina Pharma.

“Why is PMDD so difficult to treat, and what help might a new trial offer to those who suffer?” Founded in 1946, ‘Woman’s Hour’ is followed by millions of loyal listeners. On April 17 the program ran a 10-minute feature on PMDD, the severest, devastating form of PMS, and a new trial being held into the first treatment ever to specifically target it, Sepranolone, being developed by Swedish specialist woman’s health company Asarina Pharma. The programme interviewed Dr Paula Briggs, the lead study investigator of the trial at Liverpool Woman’s Hospital.

Listen to the interview here from 10.47 – 18.48 

The trial is part of Asarina Pharma’s Phase IIB Study developing a new treatment called Sepranolone, the first ever to specifically target PMDD. Sepranolone, also known as Isoallopregnanolone, is a natural substance produced by the body that dampens the effects of Allopregnanolone, the neurosteroid that triggers PMDD. As well as Liverpool the trial is taking place in 11 other sites across the UK, Poland, Germany and Sweden.

Over 30 years’ research

In the interview Dr Briggs (Consultant in sexual and reproductive health, Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust UK), talks about the long-term specialist research that has been carried out into what triggers PMDD, by researchers like Prof Torbjörn Bäckström, Asarina Pharma’s CSO. She also talks about Isoallopregnanolone (Sepranolone), the highly specific hormone metabolite that dampens the effects of Allopregnanolone.

Asarina Pharma CEO Peter Nordkild. ”The fact that one of the BBC’s most trusted and beloved shows profiles PMDD, and includes insights into new treatments, is a powerful sign of how the science and diagnosis of this terrible condition is growing. We’re delighted to see this growing commitment to understanding PMDD more and treating it better.”

For further information visit

And contact:

Peter Nordkild, CEO, Asarina Pharma AB

Phone: +45 25 47 16 46


Om Asarina Pharma

Vi är ett svenskt biotechföretag som utvecklar Sepranolon, världens första dedikerade behandling för premenstruellt dysforiskt syndrom (PMDS) och andra menstruationsrelaterade sjukdomar. Vår portfölj bygger på 40 års forskning kring menstruationsrelaterade sjukdomar som PMDS och menstruell migrän. Med vår innovativa familj av GAMSA-substanser (GABAA Modulating Steroid Antagonists), är målet att introducera en ny generation säkra och specifika behandlingar för tillstånd som idag är i stort sett obehandlade, och därmed bli ett ledande kvinnohälsobolag.

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